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Week 2, Day 4 (4/16/2020)

Spiritual Challenge:

We know that you all have started online learning!?!?!? So, for FUN, we encourage you to pick up a book, magazine, comic book, something that interests you and take a look at what is inside. We challenge you to read and "have conversation" for 30 minutes.

FACE TO FACE CONVERSATION?!?!? Reading, "... it isn't like a lecture: it's like a conversation...back-and-forthness... The book purposes, the reader questions, the book responds, the reader considers," (Pullman, 2004). Since we cannot have real face to face conversation, try this during your reading today! Have fun with it :)

"Reading for pleasure is a form of play that allows us to experience other worlds and roles in our imagination," (Nell, 1988). We want to help get your creative juices flowing.

Take this time to grow and get closer to your inner self.

Physical Challenge:

Are you starting to see a theme? The difficulty meter is increasing on the daily :). You've jumped and jumped over objects, you've hopped, and now we challenge you to hop over objects.

Fun Fact: Running requires 100% single leg work because when you run you are never on two feet at the same time? Yes, some of the tasks we will ask you to perform incorporate running style movements.

Items you might need for your workout: 10 small hurdles, cones or books standing up and a rock-star attitude. :)

The workout is as follows:

  • Box hops: (remember hop means single leg) 10x each leg Start with a 5 inch box >>10 inch box>>then work your way up if you want.

  • Alternating lunge jumps: 10x each leg

  • Hurdler: hurdle/run over your cones/ standing books/your own hurdles

  • alternating toe touches to box, 15 each side

  • Skips for height: 15x each leg

Complete up to 3 ROUNDS of the workout to get the most points.

A for Effort, F for technique. Make sure you don't look like this guy while hurdling!!! HIGH KNEES, HIGH KNEES!

Social/Community Challenge:

Complete a piece on the checkerboard for a whopping 5 points!

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