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Week 3, Day 2, 4/21/20. ZOOM ZOOM

Physical Challenge: 10 meter shuttle run and Exercises

What is agility? be agile. Agility is the ability to change the body's direction of movement quickly and efficiently. Agility is a key metric used by professional scouts, coaches, and managers to identify athletic performance. Agility is a metric that combines static and dynamic balance, coordination, strength, and SPEED.

How can we test this? Watch the video below, as we demonstrate the 10 meter shuttle run test. This test is important for a number of reasons, it measures your ability to accelerate, decelerate, & change directions. This skill is extremely important in sports that require changing directions frequently (think football, basketball, soccer, tennis, etc..).

Part 1: YOUR CHALLENGE... Complete this test three times and record the best of your three trials in the Rock Post Forum!

Part 2: We also challenge you to go through the agility ladder drills that we have prepared for you in the video link:

*To complete these challenge you will need to make an agility ladder. You can easily do this with chalk on a driveway or sidewalk. The dimensions are 16 inches wide X 16 inches long, with 10 boxes.*

>> Complete the ladder drills <<

1 set = 1 point

2 sets = 2 points

3 sets = 3 points


Social/Community Challenge: Invite Friends to sign up and complete the challenge for today!

This challenge is geared towards increasing our community and peer involvement in this competition. We are requesting that you invite up to 3 friends to complete the challenges today....SHARE with them the value you have gained. Did you triple hop improve? Did you learn a new recipe?


Education Challenge

Life looks different right now... no school bus to hop on, no practice helping you burn energy, no "daily rhythm" to keep you on track. Learn why it is more important than ever for you to not skimp on sleep!

****Don't forget to record your sleep in your own notebook


Don't forget to click on the 'Record Your Activity' button on the main page above the post once you've completed the challenges!

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