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Week 3, Day 3, 4/22/20

Physical Challenge:

Enjoy the YouTube video below for another some more agility exercises. We would also like you to complete 4 minutes of jump roping along with 2 minutes of skipping. Rinse and repeat with ladder drills, jump roping and skipping for up to 3 times.

Ideas for jump roping: Single leg, double leg, double whips, alternating.

Reminders that you do not need a ladder to perform this workout, you can create one with sidewalk chalk and a tape measure. The boxes are 16 inches by 16 inches and there are 10 boxes total.



Caffeine. It. Is. EVERY WHERE! Beware! In this video, you can learn how this substance impacts your brain's ability to help you sleep!


Nutrition Challenge: Research and plan a healthy meal following the myplate guidelines. Write it in your journal, or make it for your family.


Spiritual Challenge

Review your 30 day goal: What obstacles do you have for reaching this goal?

If you've met it already, how can you modify your goal to continue challenging yourself?

If you are new to the challenges, we want you to think about your future and come up with a 30 day goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Based. Make sure you are writing this down in a journal of your own.

Your Challenge: Locate your goals you made during week one.

Consider your progress towards your goal. Write in your journal: A) What progress you've made towards goal completion.

B) Write any barriers you may have towards meeting your goal

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