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Week 3, Day 4, 4/23/20

Physical Challenge

Join the Zoom meeting that our sports medicine team is hosting this afternoon from 3:30pm-4pm. There will be a couple of circuits that we will be leading you through to get your workout in for the day. This challenge is a little different than some of the others that we have posted. The points associated with this challenge will come directly from the zoom. You may also get points for being active, we challenge you to at least 30 minutes. You can record that activity in the survey at the end of the day.

Topic: ROCK NP Challenge your Agility

Time: Apr 23, 2020 03:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 930 4360 5496

One tap mobile +1(312)626-6799, 93043605496# US



You've been working hard the past 3 and a 1/2 weeks. We are really proud of how hard you have been working with these challenges and your sports medicine team wants to see you recover, as well. Food is fuel, people. You will keep hearing us talk about it, because it's important. Always and every time.

Remember, recovery fueling should consist of three components:

1) fluids - needed to replace the fluid (sweat) you lose during the workout.

2) carbohydrates - Carbs are needed to replenish the muscle and live glycogen lost during workouts. 3) protein - needed to repair damaged tissue and build new muscle

Follow these guidelines to ensure you are recovering with the best fuel:

1) Water is always a prime choice. Sport drinks are really only necessary if you've had a ridiculously hard and long workout that completely depleted your electrolyte reservoir. Most of these soluble nutrients will be replaced easily in the food portions of your fuel.

2) Quality counts. Choose nutrient rich, whole foods. These give you the best bang for your buck and provide nature's best combinations of proteins, carbs, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins.

3) Avoid "food like products." These are things that have more than one item on the label. General Rule: If you're reading the food label and cannot pronounce an item OR you know that item isn't a REAL food - it's not a good choice.

Challenge- Research and come up with 5 healthy snacks to help you recover from your intense agility workouts. Please let everyone know your ideas in the Rock Post forum, you will get some bonus points.


Educational Challenge

How does your body know when to sleep?? Learn more in this video!


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