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Week 4, Day 4 (4/30/2020)

Nutrition: Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating is the ability to pay attention to what one is eating while they are eating. Distraction proves to do crazy things. One study found that television viewing impairs people's ability to accurately estimate food consumption during viewing, which may lead to an unintentional consumption of more calories and fat.

Your challenge: pay more attention to what you are eating. If you normally watch TV while eating dinner, try turning off the television, put down your cell phone and enjoy your meal. Make sure your proportion of food fits with the My Plate recommendations.


Physical Challenge:

Part 1: Core Challenge

We've created a custom core workout that will challenge your ability to engage and control your deep abdominal muscles.

>> Your challenge is to complete the core workout, with a focus on controlling your breathing and abdominal engagement (corset) as previously instructed this week.

Here's the link to the workout. You'll need to enter: M4LLTT94 for the access code. Below are pictures and descriptions for each of the exercises.

Part 2: Mindful Walk/Run: 10 minutes

Take a 10 minute Walk/Run: remember ATTENTION and AWARENESS to your thoughts/feelings/what you see in nature.


Educational: S.M.A.R.T. Goals!

Check out the link below for an informational video starring Kalais Slaubaugh PT, explaining some cool things about S.M.A.R.T. goals.

After you have watched the video, click the link below to print out your S.M.A.R.T. Goals template.

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