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Week 4, Day 3, 4/29/20

Physical Challenge Mindful Movement Zoom Meeting: 2:45 PM

Topic: ROCK NP Challenge your Mobility

Time: Apr 29, 2020 02:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

We will walk you through a stress relieving, meditative mobility based workout! Wear some stretchy clothing and come prepared to work on your zen!

If you are unable to attend our Zoom meeting (you will be missing out! ;) ), you can complete 30 min of activity of your own choice!


Spiritual Challenge

Continuing with on our theme this week, we're going to cover what it means to be grateful.

What does it mean to be grateful? Being grateful is defined as "warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful." Receiving gifts or words of praise with gratitude allows us to pay attention to what we are thankful for, appreciating what we might otherwise take for granted. Gratitude can help us to block out negative thoughts, decrease stress and anxiety, and is related to increasing happiness throughout life.

>> Your Challenge : Practice a gratitude behavior today: write a letter.

Your challenge today is to think of someone in your life that has done something for you that you appreciate and simply write them a letter thanking them for what they've done and write out how you feel about that person. The simple act of expressing your gratitude on a daily basis is SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER! Give it a shot ;]


Educational Challenge

This week we have been discussing the importance of managing areas of stress in your life. For many of us, that means setting goals and making plans to achieve them. Confidence is the first step toward achieving your goals! One must have confidence in her/his ability to complete the tasks at hand if the overall goal is to be realized. Watch this TedEd for 3 ideas to increase your confidence and, by doing so, decrease your stress making your life a little better!

3 Tips to Boost Your Confidence -


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