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Week 4 MINDFUL MOVEMENT Day 1, 4/27/2020

Updated: Apr 28, 2020


This week's theme is Mindful Movement. We know the importance of breath and thoughtful movement and use our PT practice and lives...daily. We look forward to teaching you about this practicing throughout the week!!

Spiritual Challenge

We're going to be introducing some techniques for stress management this week, including purposeful breathing, mindfulness, creative outlets, and aerobic exercise.

Today's challenge will ask you to practice purposeful breathing.

WHAT IS THAT? Purposeful breathing is simply the act of observing your breath.

WHY ARE WE PRACTICING THIS? Taking deep breaths will activate your VAGUS NERVE (parasympathetic nervous system), which will decrease your body's release of cortisol.

WHICH MEANS? It will help you relax, help you to sleep, lower your blood pressure and improve your immunity.

Part 1 of the challenge:

A) grab a timer. B) breathe in and out normally. C) Time an exhalation (start the timer when you breathe out, and stop the timer when you need to breathe in). D) Write down your time.

Try this series A-D again, yet I want you to HUM a note when exhaling. Write down the hummed exhalation time. Was it different? We can train our bodies to take deeper and longer breaths and you will ROCK purposeful breathing in get in touch with your vagus nerve!

Part 2 of the challenge: Practice 2 minutes of purposeful breathing, breathing in as deeply as you can, and humming while breathing out. When the timer is up, feel free to continue, but your challenge is complete!

I enjoy peaceful sounds while practicing breathing. Check out this relaxing musical background if you would like! Steph


Physical Activity Challenge

We've created a circuit workout we'd like you to complete that incorporates most large muscle groups in your body.

Part 1>>Circuit Workout: Complete each of the exercises for time, then rinse and repeat decreasing time for each set

Set #1: 60 seconds each exercise

Set #2: 45 seconds each exercise

Set #3: 30 seconds each exercise


Jumping Jacks

RDLs alternating legs

Alternating static lunge with overhead press (use no weight/dumbells)

Plank: front from hands and toes

Single leg balance with reach back alternating legs (Ice Skater)

Part 2>>Push Up Challenge

3 sets of 5 repetitions each position

Wide base (hands further than shoulder width)

Military / Tricep (hands underneath shoulders)

Diamond (hands together in shape of diamond)

BONUS POINTS: after completing the push up challenge, how many push-ups can you complete in one minute?


Social Challenge:

The checker board is back! We encourage you to complete 1 or more pieces of the checkerboard. The more pieces you complete on the checkerboard, the more points you get. We also highly recommend you post your activity on the rock post forum!

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