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Week 5, Day 1 - Posture and Pitching 5/04/2020

Physical Challenge: Let's start with basics

We've completed weeks challenging your balance, your agility, your power, and your mindful approach to movement. This week's challenges will be focused on posture, upper body strength and endurance....AND BONUS, if you happen to be an overhead thrower or pitcher you will want to complete this week!!!

"What's up with the crosses, tightness and inhibited muscles?" What you see to the right is a common postural fault. Some examples when this occurs are when the head tilts forward as would occur during texting or reading, a slouched seated posture, or increased time working at a desk.

"Sooo what?" Health care professionals call muscles that are commonly found to be tight and restricted as 'TONIC' and muscles that are commonly lengthened and inhibited as 'PHASIC'.

Our posture is part of what makes us unique, it's OKAY to look differently from others. It CAN BECOME PROBLEMATIC when the postural faults begin to cause neck, back, or muscle pain, and impair athletic performance.

"What can I do about it?" Great Question! Your sports medicine team has designed a workout program focused on strengthening the inhibited muscles, and lengthening and relaxing the tight muscles you see above. Your challenge is to complete this exercise program today. There will be more to come this week addressing your posture and throwing.


Nutritional Challenge>>>BREAKFAST

This week we challenge you to

1) Eat Breakfast before 10am

2) Eat a breakfast with carbohydrate AND protein

3) Write down the breakfast idea in your journal to remember later

What is a carb? what is a protein? Why do we need to eat them together?

If you do not know that will be part of your challenge for the week. Here is a quick list we came up with for you to get started for breakfast.

Proteins: Egg, peanut butter, cheese, nuts, milk, yogurt

Carbs: toast, banana, apple, strawberries, cereal (remember what you learned in week 2 about sugar...check the label!)


Educational Challenge

Striving for good posture isn't just something your grandmother strived for; in fact, research today tells us that the benefits of posture go far deeper than just trying to avoid a stiff neck! Watch this Ted Ed to learn a bit more about why you really should "Sit up straight!" already!


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