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Week 5, Day 2, 05/05/2020

Physical Challenge

Now that we've focused on correcting abnormal postures, and completed some exercises to make sure we have healthy necks, backs, and shoulders, let's focus on performance for today's challenge.

Throwing: We've created a workout to help prevent shoulder injury and to improve velocity, endurance, and accuracy with throwing tasks.

Part 2: Two-Ball Exchange Drill: All you need for this is a tape measure, a piece of tape, 2 tennis balls, and a wall. Your goal is to hit the wall as many times in 20 seconds without a drop.

The player will stand 5.5 feet from the wall, throw one tennis ball against the wall and catch it with the non-throwing hand. Transfer the ball into the throwing hand and throw it against the wall, and repeat! Here's a video of the challenge! A special thank you to Aiden for the video reference!!


Social Challenge:

We know you are missing your teammates and friends. You are probably already talking to some of your teammates through the technological world of some sort but we thought this would be a fun way for you to be social for the day.

The challenge: reach out to one of your teammates and share a fun memory from a practice or game.


Nutritional Challenge>>>BREAKFAST

This week we challenge you to

1) Eat Breakfast before 10am

2) Eat a breakfast with carbohydrate AND protein

3) Write down the breakfast idea in your journal to remember later

What is a carb? what is a protein? Why do we need to eat them together?

If you do not know that will be part of your challenge for the week. Here is a quick list we came up with for you to get started for breakfast.

Proteins: Egg, peanut butter, cheese, nuts, milk, yogurt

Carbs: toast, banana, apple, strawberries, cereal (remember what you learned in week 2 about sugar...check the label!)

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