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Week 5, Day 4, 05/07/2020

Physical Challenge

Have you ever heard of the term, 'text neck'? It's not necessarily a medical diagnosis, but the weight of our head in the incorrect position for an extended amount of time can put excessive strain on our necks and backs.

Think of the head as weighing approximately as much as a bowling ball. That bowling ball isn't too heavy if you hold it up against your body, but if you were to hold it out away from your body for hours on end, it would be very challenging! This is the load our bodies are trying to support when the neck is in an abnormal position.

While it is difficult, attempt to keep your ears in line with your shoulders, keeping your neck long and upright to minimize the stress in the neck and back.

Your Challenge: Rack up at least three miles of activity today. This can be completed by walking, jogging, running, biking, skateboarding, rollerblading, etc..

P.s. This will give you a good start for the COMET WARRIOR ROCK CHALLENGE.

Part 2: Be AWARE of your neck posture throughout the day. Locate that journal that you've been tracking your tests and and scores in. We want you to write down every instance that your head is in a faulty position for more than ten minutes.


Nutritional Challenge>>>BREAKFAST

This week we challenge you to

1) Eat Breakfast before 10am

2) Eat a breakfast with carbohydrate AND protein

3) Write down the breakfast idea in your journal to remember later

What is a carbohydrate? What is a protein? Why do we need to eat them together?

If you do not know that will be part of your challenge for the week. Here is a quick list we came up with for you to get started for breakfast.

Proteins: Egg, peanut butter, cheese, nuts, milk, yogurt

Carbs: toast, banana, apple, strawberries, cereal (remember what you learned in week 2 about sugar...check the label!)


Social Challenge

Think of someone who was more present in your life prior to the outbreak of this virus. Social distancing has been difficult to manage for all of us. WE CAN still keep in touch with our friends and family during this time, with a little creativity.

Your challenge: Connect with at least one person you've been missing via SNAIL MAIL. That's right, we want you to write a letter updating this person on how you've been staying busy during this time. Keep in mind you are contacting them because you miss them! Make sure and tell them what you miss about them.

Happy writing!

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