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Week 5, Day 5, 05/08/2020 >>FLASHBACK FRIDAY<<

For Today's challenges we are giving you the option to PICK YOUR FAVORITE DAY, and repeat the challenges from that day. We've also included a video from Coach Zoske speaking about shoulder health:

Physical Challenge

Watch the video we've prepared, then pick your favorite physical challenge from the past week!


Nutritional Challenge>>>BREAKFAST

This week we challenge you to

1) Eat Breakfast before 10 AM

2) Eat a breakfast with carbohydrate AND protein

3) Write down the breakfast idea in your journal to remember later

What is a carbohydrate? what is a protein? Why do we need to eat them together?

If you do not know that will be part of your challenge for the week. Here is a quick list we came up with for you to get started for breakfast.

Proteins: Egg, peanut butter, cheese, nuts, milk, yogurt

Carbs: toast, banana, apple, strawberries, cereal (remember what you learned in week 2 about sugar...check the label!)


Educational Challenge

Test your knowledge about posture and sitting in this Kahoot! quiz!

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